Weekly update for September 25, 2010 to October 1, 2010:
Contractors submitted their report on invasive species Caiman crocodile/ Press conference in approx. 2 weeks: Proyecto Coquí and Ambienta Inc. submitted to the SJBEP their report on the ecology and natural history of the invasive species Caiman crocodile and its effect on local biodiversity ("Rapid Assessment Procedure: Survey of the Spectacled Caiman in the San Juan Bay Estuary of Puerto Rico"). The SJBEP’s staff is working with the communications contractor to decide the action to take regarding the announcement of the report to the media and to community groups in a press conference or other outlet. We expect to be able to announce the results of the study by mid-October in coordination with the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources’s wildlife division.
State of the San Juan Bay Estuary Conference and Report 2010: The symposium took place on September 28, 2010 at the Caribe Hilton Hotel from 8am to 12 pm. Several stakeholders attended the event, including members of the Board of Directors, students, teachers, and representatives from the municipal, federal and state governments. The report “Informe de la Condición del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan” was distributed among the participants and the media. We want to thank the participation of all our speakers and to Noemí Mercado and David Tomasko for traveling from D. C. and Florida for the activity. Please, follow media links for media coverage:
El Nuevo Día newspaper- “Successful Environmental Program”: http://www.elnuevodia.com/exitosoprogramaambiental-788487.html
Primera Hora newspaper- “Let’s take care of the Estuary”: http://www.primerahora.com/acuidardelestuariodelabahiadesanjuan-427905.html
Outstanding CCMP Awards Ceremony!: Thanks to the great generosity of the San Juan Nautical Club’s Commodore, Mr. Ralph “Agie” Vicente, we were able to acknowledge and celebrate our CCMP implementation partners in a very special ceremony where an original artwork by local artist Jorge Zeno was granted to recipients. The activity took place at the San Juan Nautical Club on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 from 6pm to 10pm. Community leaders, representatives from government agencies, members of our Board of Directors and other stakeholders attended the event.
Kickoff meeting of the Martín Peña Channel dredging at the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): The SJBE Program joined Enlace at this key meeting with stakeholders, technical personnel from state and federal environmental agencies (USEPA, USACE, DRNA, EQB, etc), and contractors for the kickoff meeting of the Martín Peña Environmental Dredging. The SJBEP’s Scientific Advisor is a member of the Technical Committee of the project.
EPA released their list of impaired waters in PR (303 (d) list); SJBE’s mixing zone was included: On Wednesday, September 30, 2010 EPA’s Region 2 released their list of impaired bodies of water, and it included all the bodies of water of the SJBE. The SJBEP sent a press release to local media explaining the process to our citizens and the general public. Please follow these links to local news on the topic:
Primera Hora newspaper (SJBEP’s press release):
Primera Hora (EPA’s press release): http://www.primerahora.com/cuerposdeaguacontaminados-428943.html
Successful Estuary’s Day Celebration/ $1,000 donation: On September 25, 2010 the SJBEP celebrated its second consecutive Estuary’s Day with a cleanup at La Esperanza island on the San Juan Bay, where volunteers from MillerCoors, V. Suarez distributors, and community representatives remove 1,200 lbs of debris from this fragile ecosystem. MillerCoors donated $1,000 to the Corporation of the Conservation of the San Juan Bay Estuary. The organization shared the donation with the community group that helped organize the event, Corredor del Yaguazo. Please refer to attached photos.
SAVE THE DATE!! Estuary’s Green Cinema: Approximately 180 persons attended last Saturday’s screening of Wall E. (September 25, 2010). NEXT SCREENING WILL BE HELD ON OCTOBER 9, 2010 AND WE WILL BE PRESENTING “TWILIGHT”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2T7d8j6I5I We expect a great turnout so please, get there on time!! 7:00pm at the Condado Lagoon Park.
Ernesto M. Olivares contracted as Water Quality Monitoring Coordinator: After analyzing several resumes and interviewing candidates for the contract, the Corporation for the Conservation of the San Juan Bay Estuary contracted Mr. Olivares on October 1, 2010, who acquired ample experience in water quality monitoring as part of his MA on Tropical Zones Integrated Management. Olivares holds a BA on Geography and Psychology from the UPR at Río Piedras, and is currently writing his thesis titled “Economic Valuation of the Northeastern Ecological Corridor” at the Center for Research on Ocean Sciences and Limnology of the University of Costa Rica.
Team of experts to lead our Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) revision: Instead of contracting a single person or firm to lead the revision of our CCMP, our entity is approaching several experts on fields such as herpetology, oceanography, limnology, ecology, environmental planning, and oceanography to draft the recommended new actions of our master plan.
State of the San Juan Bay Estuary Conference and Report 2010: The symposium took place on September 28, 2010 at the Caribe Hilton Hotel from 8am to 12 pm. Several stakeholders attended the event, including members of the Board of Directors, students, teachers, and representatives from the municipal, federal and state governments. The report “Informe de la Condición del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan” was distributed among the participants and the media. We want to thank the participation of all our speakers and to Noemí Mercado and David Tomasko for traveling from D. C. and Florida for the activity. Please, follow media links for media coverage:
El Nuevo Día newspaper- “Successful Environmental Program”: http://www.elnuevodia.com/exitosoprogramaambiental-788487.html
Primera Hora newspaper- “Let’s take care of the Estuary”: http://www.primerahora.com/acuidardelestuariodelabahiadesanjuan-427905.html
Outstanding CCMP Awards Ceremony!: Thanks to the great generosity of the San Juan Nautical Club’s Commodore, Mr. Ralph “Agie” Vicente, we were able to acknowledge and celebrate our CCMP implementation partners in a very special ceremony where an original artwork by local artist Jorge Zeno was granted to recipients. The activity took place at the San Juan Nautical Club on Tuesday, September 28, 2010 from 6pm to 10pm. Community leaders, representatives from government agencies, members of our Board of Directors and other stakeholders attended the event.
Kickoff meeting of the Martín Peña Channel dredging at the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE): The SJBE Program joined Enlace at this key meeting with stakeholders, technical personnel from state and federal environmental agencies (USEPA, USACE, DRNA, EQB, etc), and contractors for the kickoff meeting of the Martín Peña Environmental Dredging. The SJBEP’s Scientific Advisor is a member of the Technical Committee of the project.
EPA released their list of impaired waters in PR (303 (d) list); SJBE’s mixing zone was included: On Wednesday, September 30, 2010 EPA’s Region 2 released their list of impaired bodies of water, and it included all the bodies of water of the SJBE. The SJBEP sent a press release to local media explaining the process to our citizens and the general public. Please follow these links to local news on the topic:
Primera Hora newspaper (SJBEP’s press release):
Primera Hora (EPA’s press release): http://www.primerahora.com/cuerposdeaguacontaminados-428943.html
Successful Estuary’s Day Celebration/ $1,000 donation: On September 25, 2010 the SJBEP celebrated its second consecutive Estuary’s Day with a cleanup at La Esperanza island on the San Juan Bay, where volunteers from MillerCoors, V. Suarez distributors, and community representatives remove 1,200 lbs of debris from this fragile ecosystem. MillerCoors donated $1,000 to the Corporation of the Conservation of the San Juan Bay Estuary. The organization shared the donation with the community group that helped organize the event, Corredor del Yaguazo. Please refer to attached photos.
SAVE THE DATE!! Estuary’s Green Cinema: Approximately 180 persons attended last Saturday’s screening of Wall E. (September 25, 2010). NEXT SCREENING WILL BE HELD ON OCTOBER 9, 2010 AND WE WILL BE PRESENTING “TWILIGHT”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2T7d8j6I5I We expect a great turnout so please, get there on time!! 7:00pm at the Condado Lagoon Park.
Ernesto M. Olivares contracted as Water Quality Monitoring Coordinator: After analyzing several resumes and interviewing candidates for the contract, the Corporation for the Conservation of the San Juan Bay Estuary contracted Mr. Olivares on October 1, 2010, who acquired ample experience in water quality monitoring as part of his MA on Tropical Zones Integrated Management. Olivares holds a BA on Geography and Psychology from the UPR at Río Piedras, and is currently writing his thesis titled “Economic Valuation of the Northeastern Ecological Corridor” at the Center for Research on Ocean Sciences and Limnology of the University of Costa Rica.
Team of experts to lead our Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) revision: Instead of contracting a single person or firm to lead the revision of our CCMP, our entity is approaching several experts on fields such as herpetology, oceanography, limnology, ecology, environmental planning, and oceanography to draft the recommended new actions of our master plan.
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