$13.6 million leveraged by our CCMP implementation on FY 2009-2010- we are very glad to inform that the SJBEP was able to leverage 13.6 million dollars on the following CCMP implementation activities: new sanitary sewer for the Cantera community (6M)- CCMP action WS-1-thanks to the Corporación para el Desarrollo Integral de Cantera; Relocation of residents of the Amelia community and new sanitary sewer (3M)- CCMP action WS-3- thanks to the Municipality of Guaynabo; Cleanup of the sanitary sewer connecting Old San Juan to the Pto Nuevo Waste Water Treatment Plan (3M)- CCMP action WS-3-thanks to PRASA; Relocation of families living adjacent to the Martín Peña Channel ($720,000)-CCMP action WS-2-thanks to the Proyecto ENLACE; SJBEP’s Public Service Campaign ($730,000)- CCMP action PI-4- and Administrative support to the priority actions regarding the Martín Peña Channel restoration ($200,000)-thanks to the Proyecto ENLACE-. This leverage represents a 1:13 ratio of investment for every federal dollar under CWA 320.
TOMORROW (25/9/2010)-Cleanup/ Water quality monitoring and planting: from 9:00am to 11:00 we will be planting, performing water quality monitoring and a cleanup event at the western axis of the San Juan Bay- La Esperanza- with MillerCoors employees and executives. Jorge Bauzá will lead a water quality monitoring event, Gabriel Muriente is coordinating the planting, and community leader Pedro Carrión is helping with the coordination of the activity.
TOMORROW (25/9/2010)- Estuary’s Green Cinema- like every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, we will be screening a movie and our educational ads and documentaries. This time we will present the movie Wall E (2008): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAWIIlXNGwY
TV Interview at Univision: Javier Laureano was interviewed by Susan Soltero on Tuesday, September 21, 2010 to promote next week’s State of the Bay Conference and Report and show to the public the new signs for manatee crossing in the San Juan Bay.
SJBEP to participate at El Nuevo Día's roundtable on environmental issues: The SJBEP was invited by executives of El Nuevo Día newspaper to participate at their Environmental Roundtables Series as the representative of environmental NGO’s of the island on October. The roundtable is titled “Diálogo transectorial del medio ambiente”.
Caimito sign ready! Community leader Haydée Colón approached our organization a year ago to place a sign in her community to inform the public that Caimito is an integral part of the SJBE’s watershed and that the trash, sediment and contaminants of the area can reach the San Juan Bay through the community’s creeks and river. This week we finished the design of the sign and authorized its production.
UPR to offer an interdisciplinary course on the San Juan Bay Estuary: Javier Laureano was invited by the Director of the Interdisciplinary Program of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Lowell Fiet, to offer a course with a humanistic approach on the San Juan Bay Estuary. Laureano will offer the course Ad Honorem and will follow a bioregional view to study the SJBE’s communities, and will use texts such as Mike Carr’s Bioregionalism and Civil Society; Timothy Beatly’s The Ecology of Place; and Kirkpatrick Sale’s The Human Scale, among several others. Students will work exploring case studies where a bioregional vision is used as part of civil and community organizations programs in our watershed. A proposal will be submitted to the Puerto Rico Foundation for the Humanities to publish this research in a volume on the bioregional perspective offered by the SJBE.
Eco Cantera documentary on its final editing stages: On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 the staff met with producer Carla Cavina Meléndez to discuss the final editing of the Cantera documentary about its new sanitary sewer. The documentary is titled Eco Cantera and will be completed next week.
New public service ad on the SJBEP-Walgreens and Univision alliance- During this month Univision is placing a PSA ad on our alliance and the cleanup activity at the La Esperanza island as part of their “Good People Campaign”/ “Gente Buena”.
SAVE THE DATE!- September 28, 2010 at 8:00AM- State of the San Juan Bay Estuary 2010 Conference- San Gerónimo Ball Room C- please confirm attendance with Cathy Ortiz at 787 602 6202.